The Voltes Team and Allies
After the disappearance of Professor Gō, the Earth International Defense Force trained five young people to be highly skilled Earth Defense Agents. Resolute and dedicated fighters, these agents act as both special commando units and pilots of the Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V, against the invading Boazanians. (Note: Bold items in parentheses indicate character names in the Philippines' English, Filipino and Visayan-dubbed versions)
Daijirō Gō (剛大次郎 Gō Daijirō?, Robert "Big Bert" Armstrong), the defense tactician, was once a playful child. But Daijirō's outlook in life suddenly changed when his father disappeared. Alarmed by this change in his personality, Mrs. Gō sent him to live in the country where a martial arts master taught him different fighting styles and forms of meditation. Upon rejoining his brothers, Daijirō was already a master of different hand-to-hand fighting styles. The naginata (fighting staff) became his favorite weapon. Together with Ken'ichi and Hiyoshi, Daijirō started training as a member of the Voltes V Team. Unlike in the group portrait above his uniform was dark green, not brown. Voiced by Tesshō Genda in the original Voltes V. He pilots the Volt Panzer (Body Chest).
Hiyoshi Gō (剛日吉 Gō Hiyoshi?, "Little" John Armstrong) is a genius in inventing automatons. He has been interested in learning mechanics, robotics, and electromagnetism since a very young age. He was considered a genius by many university professors. He even created a funny little octopus-robot called Tako-chan ("Octo-One" in the dubbed version). But to his big brothers, Ken'ichi and Daijirō, Hiyoshi will always be a little brother, a child who never felt the warmth and love of a real father. He also excels in swimming and diving. Because of his exceptional talents, Hiyoshi was asked to join the Voltes V Team as a technical handyman, specifically for repairs during field operations. His uniform was light green. Voiced by Noriko Ohara in the original Voltes V series. Volt Frigate (Legs) is Hiyoshi's vehicle.

Megumi Oka (岡めぐみ Ōka Megumi?, Jamie Robinson) is a kunoichi (female ninja) and the 18th heir of the Kōga-ryū ninja. Young, slim, and beautiful, Megumi received special training during her childhood. By the age of 13, she already possessed extraordinary skills and lightning reflexes. She also learned the gentle arts from her mother. Through her mother's guidance, Megumi became a person with a calm yet alert disposition. Joining the Voltes V Team, she was the voice of reason among the male members, especially whenever Ken'ichi and Ippei were about to clash during personal conflicts. Her cool demeanor and uncanny skills qualified Megumi as the fifth (and only female) member of the Voltes V team. Her uniform was yellow with pink accents. Voiced by Miyuki Ueda, who also played as the voice of Chizuru Nanbara in Combattler V, as Erika in the Daimos series, and as Marie Antoinette in Rose of Versailles; the latter was another series on which Nagahama, the creator of Voltes V, was one of the contributing directors. She pilots the Volt Lander (Feet).
Professor Kentarō Gō/Prince La Gour (Doctor Ned Armstrong/Baron Hrothgar) is the father of the three Gō
Professor Hamaguchi (Doctor Richard Smith) is the commander of Camp Big Falcon fortress at the beginning of the Voltes V series. He helped design and build the Voltes V robot and is a good friend of Professor Gō. He is somewhat a father figure to the Voltes team, especially to the Gō brothers due to his relationship with their father. He managed Big Falcon on Professor Gō's behalf until he was killed saving Voltes V. He is voiced in the original Voltes V by Seizō Katō.
General Oka (Commander Robinson) is Megumi Oka's father. He is the 17th heir of the Kōga-ryū ninja, a co-designer of Voltes V, and commander of the Earth International Defense Force. On the verge of retirement due to ill health; he dies late in the series saving his daughter from a Boazanian beast fighter that had the power to control people's minds. Voiced in the original by Hiroshi Masuoka.
Professor Sakunji (Doctor Hook) is another commander of Big Falcon. After Hamaguchi's death, Sakunji, a former student of Hamaguchi, is called upon to take over command of Big Falcon. He is a hard-nosed commander who continually pushes the Voltes V Team to their limits during training, sometimes to the point of risking their lives. Voiced in the original by Tamio Ouki, who also played General Miwa in Daimos and Captain Tashiro in Gunbuster. Although he first appeared cruel, he has also shown his soft side as the series went through, especially that he was concerned about the people of the Earth more than anything else.
General Dange (General Watson) is a Boazanian colleague and ally of Doctor Kentarō Gō. He was a member of Boazanian nobility, and military general until he deliberately broke his horns, because he "..believed in equality and decided to fight for it" and joined the rebellion against Emperor Zambajil. When Dr. Gō returned to Boazania, he broke him from capture and escaped with him to earth, along with a handful of rebels. He assisted Voltes V by piloting the "Mechanical Eagle" and installing new weapons upgrade components during Mid-battle. En route to Camp Big Falcon, he was attacked by a beast fighter and was mortally injured. However, just before he died he managed to tell Ken'ichi, Daijirō, and Hiyoshi of their father and their Boazanian origins.