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Citroen DS debut
The same in 1955 as the crown sale, Citroen DS has debuted at the Paris Salon. It is not even compared with just of Japanese cars has taken a first step but, DS had a startling innovation even from the level of the West at that time. Technology, both in terms of design, it is more was called "20 years advanced vehicle". About 1.45 million units by 1975 is manufactured, it was demonstrated that it was "in '20 advanced car". Although there is a chauffeur-driven car image, such as is used in official vehicles of the President, we had to combine combat power enough to win the Monte Carlo Rally.
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James Dean accidental death
Movie "East of Eden," "Rebel Without a Cause" in James Dean September 30, 1955, which was suddenly popular, became the people that does not come back in an accident. A representation of youth Ukkutsu the (Ukkutsu) Popping into the seats in the youth star, but one week after you have finished taking the movie "Giant", it became a people that does not come back in an accident. Dean was a favorite car, had to skip the 41 Line from Los Angeles to compete in the race that takes place in Salinas. Is the Porsche 550 Spyder of just bought. He also had to skip at full throttle after it had been caught in the middle of speeding, oncoming vehicle and was head-on collision at the destination near the Y-shaped intersection, was killed instantly. Still was a young 24-year-old.
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It begins '55 system at <social conditions> maintenance joint
While Musan political party in the occupation regime after the war GHQ has been legalized, Conservative Party is mushrooming. Japan Progressive Party, and is raising an army Japan Cooperative Party, it was repeatedly Rigo collection and distribution. Labor disputes have occurred frequently, the strike broke out even large-scale conflict in the Toyota took place in 1950. Socialist Party and the Communist Party is had kept a large force against the background of the trade union. Socialist forces are maintaining a constant force, opposing conservatives were split. And Shigeru Yoshida of the Liberal Party, it is Ichiro of the Democratic Party of Japan Yukio Hatoyama. General election in the "voice of the sky dissolution" of January 24, 1955 is carried out, Japan Democratic Party was not able to win the majority. Socialist Party, which has been split into left and right to play a reunification in October, is a major force. And there is also that you have a sense of crisis, the Liberal Party and the Democratic Party of Japan is the Liberal Democratic Party was born on November 15 to play a joint. Long-term administration is the beginning of the Liberal Democratic Party, Socialist Party that does not have the possibility of regime acquisition went a scheme which constitutes the counterweight as the second party established.
Citroen DS debut

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James Dean accidental death

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It begins '55 system at <social conditions> maintenance joint