July 20, 2011




Bon-Odori Festival 2002 with dances wearing Yukata - traditional summer Japanese kimonoBon-Odori Festival 2002 with dances wearing Yukata - traditional summer Japanese kimonoBon-odori” is a Japanese traditional summer dance festival. The dance is very simple, you can learn within a few minutes practice! Its absolutely fun! Yukata is a Japanese informal summer kimono. You can see many beautiful competitors from the Yukata competition!
Click on the images to see a larger version.

Bon-Odori Festival 2002 with dances wearing Yukata - traditional summer Japanese kimonoDuring summer evenings everywhere in Japan, the local community enjoys Bon-Odori (dance) in the near-by park or playground. This tradition was originated when the farmers thanked the Rice Paddock God for the good summer crop. The Dance movement is simple and repetitive. Of course you can learn these dances at any age!

Taiko Drums 
Bon-Odori Festival 2002 Taiko drumsTaiko drums will inspire your movement.
Click here to see a short video.

Of course no matter how big or small you are Taiko drums are great to play!
Bon-Odori Festival 2002 with dances wearing Yukata - traditional summer Japanese kimonoBon-Odori Festival 2002 with dances wearing Yukata - traditional summer Japanese kimono

Bon-Odori Festival 2002 with dances wearing Yukata - traditional summer Japanese kimonoSometimes it pays to get a little bit of advice from someone who knows better!

Bon-Odori Festival 2002 with dances wearing Yukata - traditional summer Japanese kimonoUnless you are too busy looking into the details of other important points of Japanese culture.

                       BY: YURI MOTO