June 27, 2011

7 funny things about Japanese people

7 funny things about Japanese people

They don't look at you straight in the eyes.
In the past, staring at someone straight was supposed to be rude. Even now,
older people still think it's polite to avoid eye contact. Younger people don't have
that idea anymore, but they still tend to look away mainly because they are timid.

They speak low.
As they live in small houses with small rooms, used to be made of wood and paper,
they don't need to shout. Talking loud was considered rude.
Younger people don't have that idea anymore, but they still speak low to foreigners simply
because they are not comfortable with their English ability.

In the meeting, they respond to your presentation
with nod, saying "Hi" (meaning yes).
Watch out. They are not agreeing with you. It simply means "we are listening".

They laugh when they're embarrassed.
When they are confused or embarrassed, they tend to smile or laugh.
This is to cover the embarrassment. It is unique in Japanese society.
Even the young ones seem to inherit this habit.

They flatter Westerners and look down on other Asians.
Peopple in Korea, Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan speak better English than Japanese.
But still, they despise these people.

They don't speak English to native speakers,
but they love trying it out to people from The Third World.

They are too ashamed of speaking poor English to native speakers,
but arrogant enough to show it off to Third World people.

They say the conclusion at the last.
This comes from Japanese grammar. Conclusion of the speech tends
to come at the last part. Here's an example.
"Will you accept this?"
"Well, I talked to my boss yesterday, and he said .....
So we discussed it internally with my colleagues .....
Therefore, we would like to decline it this time".
In a way, they can't help it. You have to be patient.


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