July 14, 2011

Heart Healthy tips / Heart Healthy Menu and Diet

Learning and implementing our simple, helpful heart healthy tips and recommendations on a healthy heart menu will give you a great chance to live a long, happy life.

You heart is a incredible mechanism - it pumps about 6000 quarts of blood daily onto the aorta, which in turn pushes it through delivering blood to other organs and tissues. All muscles help the heart to do its work. The weaker your body muscles, the harder the heart has to work.

Heart healthy Tips - Do Your Daily Exercises

There are many options available - yoga is a great practice if you like it, Chi Qong is another effective approach to staying healthy, or even returning to your radiant health, which I highly recommend doing. Walking, using stairs, swimming, bicycling, playing tennis or badminton - find your own favourite activity - life has so much to offer.

Don't forget dancing for uplifting your spirit and mood. Sometimes when I feel blue, and I have a dance lesson this day, I think, "I don't feel like dancing at all, just wish to stay along...". But I go and...miracle happens ...music, feeling my body movements, our funny instructor, and happy people around filling my heart with joy. Recommended!

OK, you maybe a complete couch potato, then do little things - do series of muscle contractions - buttocks, abs, legs. You can invent some simple static exercises - stretching yourself, pressing hard with your arms against a wall, trying to lift yourself up with your hands while sitting on the chair, etc. Actually, these exercises are simple, but give surprisingly quite intense strain to the body. Be caution, if you've just had heart attack, or have heart disease.

Heart Healthy Tips - Hydrotherapy and Massage

Taking a warm shower in the morning with the rubbing your skin with a rough towel afterwards will increase a blood circulation and energize your body for the day. As you get healthier, you can do a contrast water shower. I'm a great fan of this procedure and truly believe that this along has made my children very healthy, as we started it from the very first day of their lives.

People usually think it's too extreme...actually, the difference of two degrees would be just enough to start with, and you go farther as you feel.

The safe massage therapy for a healthy heart is massaging your pinkies, especially a left one, every morning for a few minutes. Someone experiencing a pain in the area of heart can try to bite the left little finger at the nail line to relieve the pain. It really works! - Many people benefit from these heart healthy tips.

Massaging along the midline of the chest starting at the point between your nipples going up to the low part of the neck, will eventually make your heart stronger. You can even diagnosis yourself - the painful points indicate the problems in the heart.

Heart Healthy Tips - Heart Healthy Foods

Brief heart healthy tips on foods suggestions would be:

*Don't load your body with bad fats, bad cholesterol, and maintain the balanced diet. Whether switching to a vegetarian diet or not, it's the matter of your own preferences. But sure enough it would be the best available option. Check my pages how to low cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis.

Heart Healthy Diet should consist of lots of fiber to help detox the body and for a healthy digestive system function. You can get it from vegetables and fruits. Green juices do this work perfectly. Other fiber-rich heart healthy foods are bran, whole grain bread, pasta, rice, nuts, green beans, and other legumes, oats, buckwheat.

Our heart doesn't like salt very much. If you think your food feels tasteless, use these heart healthy tips - add cranberry juice, dill, cilantro, parsley, citric acid.
**Olive oil has no cholesterol, but has many trace elements and vitamins to protect your heart from the attack of atherosclerosis.

***Fish, especially trout, mackerel, sardines, and salmon are heart healthy foods to nourish your body with omega 3. It's known that aboriginal people of Northern parts of the Earth and Japanese whose main daily food is fish almost never suffer of heart diseases.

Among all fruits, cherries, dried apricots, and blueberries should always be included in your heart healthy diets.
Among nuts, the healthiest for the heart is almond which packed with elements that nourish the heart.

****Sesame seeds - less popular in the West, but widely used in the East it has many healthy properties and was an essential component of a longevity diet in ancient times.

Heart Healthy Tips - Healthy Heart Menu

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was the founder of the famous resort in Michigan. He claimed that if heart disease patients stayed on a strict vegetable diet, they would live a long life. His suggestions were also - no meat, no fish, no dairy products, no alcohol, and no salt.

Here two healthy heart menu options from Dr. Kellogg.

Healthy heart menu 1


*One orange or a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice
*A bowl of whole grains prepared with soy flour and honey. You can add sliced banana, dried apricots, sprouts.

*Salad of raw vegetables seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil
*Baked potato or brown rice
*Baked or steamed carrots
*Apple juice sweetened with honey or fresh apple

*Cabbage salad with lemon and vegetable oil dressing
*Sauteed yellow squash and beans
*Sunflower seeds and raisings

Healthy heart menu 2
*A glass of fresh orange or grapefruit juice
*Stewed prunes with sprouts and honey

*Raw vegetables salad with avocado, lemon, and olive oil
*Vegetarian casserole (lentils, beans, onion, garlic, tomatoes added at the end of cooking)
*A fresh fruit

*Fresh fruits salad
*Beet greens, asparagus, dates and nuts

Heart Healthy Tips - Natural Healthy Heart Remedies

A special breath exercise may help a heart pain relief - open the window, breathe in, then hold your breath on till comfortable. Doing it few times may help skip on your heart medications.
A hot compress on the chest and taking a hot foot bath at the same time will relieve a heart pain too.
One of the heart healthy tips I can give you - use natural remedies. They are easy to prepare but can be very effective and powerful.
Take 1 tsp peppermint dried herb, 1 cup of boiling water and steep for 20 minutes, strain, and drink in the morning on the empty stomach 30 min before breakfast.
A chestnut tincture helps dissolve plagues and thin the blood.

Nettle - take 5 tbsp of dried herb, 500 ml boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes. Drink with honey 1/2 cup 4 times daily. Or take 15 gram of nettle roots, 1 cup of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes and infuse 30 minutes afterwards. Take 2-3 tbsp 2-3 times daily 30 min before meals for 3-4 weeks. Or drinking nettle tea for a lifetime will make your heart strong.

If one has heart disease conditions, rubbing fir needle essential oil into the skin in the area of coronary artery (below the left nipple and under the left shoulder blade) will help reduce symptoms.

The mixture of 1 glass of organic honey, 2 chopped lemons, 2 gloves of garlic help with shortness of breathe due to CAD. Take 1 tbsp daily.

Take 5-6 lemons, fine chop with peels, and add an equal quantity of honey. Take 1 tbsp in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. It relieves a heart pain.

Very often people suffering heart disease have low haemoglobin. The mixture of 1 glass of beet juice, 1 glass of cranberry juice, 1/2 glass of honey, taken 3 times daily before meals till the remedy is finished, heals this problem perfectly.

The garlic remedy is a very effective help for many conditions - cleans plagues, lows cholesterol, helps loss weight, enhances vision, prevents heart attack and asthma attacks, strengthens heart and immune system, rejuvenate body and skin.

How to make it: Fine chop 1 kg of garlic, put into a glass container, add 500 ml of vodka, and close with a lid and put in a warm place. It's recommended to put it on a sunlight at daytime. In 15 days the remedy will be ready for use. Filter it. Take 1 tsp in the morning on the empty stomach daily with drinking warm water or milk afterwards.

Hopefully, you could find some heart healthy tips that will work for you

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Ms. Mika Aoyuki