January 19, 2012

All games in TABLET!

RAZER Project Fiona Demo

Most of you know RAZER for their gaming accessories which can be quite impressive, but with Project Fiona, RAZER has outdone itself. We mentioned it earlier, but Project Fiona is a PC-based game portable game console/tablet system that comes with *real* controllers and not the virtual emulation stuff that tablets get these days.
RAZER is unapologetic about its pure-gaming approach, and this concept is solely focused on PC  gaming experience. Before you get too excited, Project Fiona is not a product, or scheduled to be a product at this point, but RAZER intends to build enough of them so that key developers can take a look at it. The gaming community feedback will be critical to the future of RAZER’s Project Fiona.

The tablet feels really solid, and it has enough internal volume to house a PC, with a PC-class processor and graphics processor (GPU). That said, don’t see this as the final design. At this point, functionality is the main focus but I personally find the design to be “bad ass”.
What’s really cool is that RAZER has built Project Fiona with the idea that its controllers buttons maps exactly to existing controllers, so game developers don’t have to do anything other than supporting classic game controllers like Xbox 360.
In terms of performance, it looks very good, and the games that we tried were running anywhere between 30FPS and 60FPS, which is really nice. There is no details on the hardware currently used for this prototype, but given that hardware gets faster and cheaper overtime, this is a great baseline to stats with.

2001 RAV4 J


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