March 2, 2012



Entry-levels, SLRs, DSLRs, digicams, Micro Four Thirds – there's a lot of hullaballoo around the fancy cameras out there, but there might just be one device that could put an end to it all – the Lytro.
This small rectangular camera is made of anodised aluminium, making it lightweight yet sturdy. The USP of Lytro is the fact that it lets you change the focus of the picture after you click it.
And you can do this days, weeks or even years after they were shot. There is no conventional delay caused by the lens auto-focusing when you press the shutter button. The Lytro's compact design is driven by its 8x optical zoom lens, which features a constant f/2 aperture.
By using all of the available light in a scene, the Lytro performs well in lowlight environments without the use of a flash. And who wouldn't want this camera in their backpack when it weighs just about 220grams.
The Lytro is available in both 8GB and 16GB models, storing 350 and 750 pictures respectively.


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